
Courses offered by Financial Education Professionals


The courses offered by Financial Education Professionals are provided to help with the development and enhancement of your financial knowledge. If you are looking for relevant, up-to-date and intellectually challenging training, these Products and Services will give you what you need. These ten types of include:

1. Business Financial Planning

Businesses need financial planning, yet only a few are appropriately covered. Financial planning becomes necessary when a business has ambitions extending beyond an average trading or investment horizon.

2. Investment Planning

An investment plan is structured financial process organizations and individuals can use to achieve their financial goals. An investment plan is a high-level approach to making investment decisions, considering your desired return and the associated risk.

3. Building Wealth

Today’s emphasis on frugality and conservation of resources tends to push personal finance in the opposite direction from how it used to be: the accumulation of Wealth. To build Wealth, one needs the ability and courage to invest excess money in assets that generate more money.

4. Estate Planning

A healthy estate allows the death of a loved one to leave a legacy that meets their hopes. In other instances, an estate can be both meaningful and financially beneficial. Unfortunately, you may only need professional advice when preparing an estate plan if you are wealthy and completely independent.

5. Retirement Plans

Retirement planning focuses on managing your retirement income so that you can enjoy freedom and flexibility in your later years. This type of planning also involves developing a realistic budget and selecting appropriate investment options for your personal situation.

6. Small Business

The modern concept of a small business is different from the traditional definition. A small business can be defined as one that employs fewer than 500 people, generates less than $20 million in gross income and operates in an industry that needs to be regulated by the federal government.

7. Finance for Non-Finance People

It does not matter whether you have an MBA or an associate’s Degree or you do not have any formal training at all. It does not matter if you are old school or new school.

8. Personal Finance for Smart People

Personal finance is a popular topic for many people, mainly because it can involve saving, spending, borrowing and understanding investing on an individual level. This course will expose you to helpful information that can help you understand how to utilize the power of information to make better daily decisions.

9. Bankruptcy for the Unwary

Given the current economic climate, protecting yourself from bankruptcy in America has never been more challenging. After all, bankruptcy is considered a financial disaster. However, considering America’s economy as a whole and the banking industry as a whole, it has always been challenging to file for bankruptcy either.

10. Investing

Investment planning involves deciding which investments you wish to make. It also involves assessing your investment’s risk and evaluating its performance over time.


It is important to remember that these ten types of courses are designed to help you and your financial future. causes are not designed to teach you how to invest but rather how to make wise financial decisions and avoid some of the mistakes that so many people make in their finances.

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